About Us

Neus is a digital magazine for future realists in a post-human society shaped by neurotechnology. Created by the non-profit media organization Neureality, Neus magazine is dedicated to cover every aspect of the human mind. Reporting from Shanghai and London, our exploration extends outward to the future vistas of technology and societal developments, while also inwardly examining the core of human existence and the self.

Neureality, established in 2016 as a leading non-profit dedicated to science communication, endeavours to bridge the gap between frontier brain science topics and the public. Utilizing publications, events, and interactive media, we have garnered a significant following, amassing over 600,000 subscribers in China. Our diverse team hails from prestigious universities and institutions, contributing their expertise across scientific research and journalism. This interdisciplinary approach underpins our ability to deliver content rooted in scientific evidence.

Our primary focus is on pioneering research in neuroscience. Our dedicated professional writing team diligently crafts original reports, while our in-depth interviews with esteemed neuroscientists like Dr. Ed Boyden and Dr. Masud Husain unveil groundbreaking insights into brain research. Through our engaging talks series, which has captivated nearly half a million livestream viewers, we demystify scientific innovations for the wider community. Furthermore, our ‘Neuromancing’ podcast delves into human cognition through the lenses of science and philosophy, achieving over 800,000 plays on the Ximalaya platform. Our industry forums concentrate on the practical aspects of translational research, bringing together researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors to deliberate on the applications of new scientific discoveries in neuroscience. In collaboration with a network of scientific entities, publishers, hospitals, and tech enterprises, Neureality also provides various services including digital marketing, consultancy, design, translation, and event coordination.

At Neureality, we advocate that in a future society where neural and cognitive abilities can be reshaped, as we extend ourselves physically and mentally, we need to explore all the scientific, technological, social, philosophical, and ethical issues that post-human society will face. We focus not only on technological trends, but also on what our future will be like when the essence of human mind and body is fundamentally altered. Our perspective is not limited to how skillfully humans can use tools, but also encompasses the new opportunities brought about by the next paradigm shift.

The idea of Neureality is encapsulated in its name—our perception of reality as shaped by neural representations, with the conviction that neuroscience and neurotechnology will usher us into a ‘new reality’. We believe that the human brain represents the ultimate frontier of knowledge, and Neureality is at the forefront, chronicling each significant stride on this exploratory journey.

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